What if Earth spins in the reverse direction?
Have you ever wondered which way the Earth rotates and what would happen if it spins the other way round?
Oh okay what does that mean to me. Now the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west however if the Earth start spinning other way then it would mean that the sun rises in the west and set in the east. It sounds weird. Alright!
From the time we've known the poor little Earth has been revolving around its axis from West to East. But if one fine day it decides to spin in the opposite direction then Earth would not be the way we see it today.
A sudden change in direction of spin will cause destructive winds and massive waves. The oceanic currents change which would typically wipe out everything on the ground. These bring out a dramatic change in the climatic conditions across all the continents. In short Earth would become more greener.
Currently, oceans control the climate globally by distributing the heat from the Sun all over the Earth. The moisture is carried from the driest parts of the Earth to the bring rainfall to thorny jungles.
But due to the reverse spinning the currents change and in turn the thick forests will turn into barren lands and the deserts today would be more green. In general there would be much more vegetation throughout the Earth. It results in more oxygen.
Western Europe will get more cold splashes while Russia on the other hand will become warmer. Well too much of oxygen may make it difficult for human existence. So better let the world spin the way it does now and think about making the shift. :)