September 2011 Calendar shot
[Click on the picture for a better resolution]
Place of the capture: Haleakala, Hawai.
* September was also called the Haefest monath <--> "Harvest month" when the barley was harvested.
* In song and story September is thought of as a "mellow month".
* 9/11 is an unforgettable day! Do I need to explain why?
More interesting facts of September??? Please do share.
Festivities begin in India starting with Ganesh chaturti.
What more need I say?
@Sahana @Insignia @A @Bikram @Rajesh @Rachna: Thank you! Let September be as calm and divine as this picture.
@ Kparthasarathi: Thanks a lot!
All - I had goofed up with the color of the font :( Anything specific to september that you can think of .. do drop in some thoughts..
lovely pic
@kavita: Lovely September filled with joy and freshness to you too.
आते हैं बड़े धूम से गणपति जी,
सबके दिलों में बसते हैं गणपति जी,
उमंग से भरा हो सबका चेहरा,
यही है मेरी गणेश चतुर्थी की शुभकामना ! हमारी भी यही है शुभकामना आपके लिए आपके परिवार के लिए .आप की ब्लोगिया दस्तक हमारे लिए महत्वपूर्ण है .शुक्रिया !
जन आक्रोश आर हर शू मुखरित है .शुक्रवार, २ सितम्बर २०११
शरद यादव ने जो कहा है वह विशेषाधिकार हनन नहीं है ?
"उम्र अब्दुल्ला उवाच :"
Loved this post..never knew about it before!!!
Much Love
@VeeruBhai: Welcome to my space. Thanks for that wonderful lines.
@Lipsy: Dear, wishing you a wonderful birthday. Have loads of fun and may god bless you with everything you ask for..