A ~ Avocado!
I was introduced to this royal fruit long back during my school days. However I knew it as "Butter fruit" rather than its name Avocado. When I first tasted Avocado little did I know of its benefits or how it can be used in various cuisines. My thoughts limited to only a fresh fruit juice with a little milk and sugar. Of course it is yummy, but the horizon expanded when I landed in the States and saw it being used for a chips dip. Tasted nice!! From that day I love using this wonderful fruit in various recepies. It tastes good as a fresh bread spread, goes well in a light vegetable soup, can be layered in a chocolate mousse. The list would only grow.
This fruit is native of Mexico which has various benefits. I would link you to a website that gives you an idea of why Avocado should be a part of your diet.
Hope this is a good start on the A-Z series. Catch you tomorrow with another story with B.
@Suesconsideredtrifles: Thanks for dropping by. Stay tuned for the series.
@Insignia: Love this fruit for the taste and health benefits:)
Now putting some in a chocolate mousse is not something I'd think about!
Good to see and enjoy the A-Z .. have fun .. cheers Hilary
(we are list neighbours, i blog A-Z at: http://virtual-notes.blogspot.de )
We are also list neighbors. I'm Ruby at meyouandzu.wordpress.com :)
Happy Blogging!
@Dorothee: Absolutely delicious!! Thanks for commenting.
@Stephsco: Thanks for growing that horizon. Avocados - goes onto anything..
@Ruby: The milk + sugar + avocadoes = Thats a heavenly yummy form of this beautiful fruit. Do try and let me know how it tasted for you.
@Adam jones: Thanks so much.!!