March 2012 - Calendar shot!

March marks the start of dry months. Hot weather , sweaty feel. Oh god the summer is here.

* March is the third month of the year and has the honor of the name of Roman God of war - MARS.

* One of the most associated flower with the month of March is the Wild Dafodill[Narcissus].

* Julius Caeser was murdered on March 15th , 44 BC.

* March 31st 1889 - Eiffel Tower was officially opened.

* 11 march 2011 Northern Japan 9.0 Earthquake anniversary.[Lets pray for all those who lost lives and their belongings.]

* Ugadi , the festival marking the new year in south usually falls in the month of March and this year its gonna be 23rd of the month.[Some festivities round the corner. Sure to add on a few calories.:)]

Here's a click for the calendar of the month to follow.


Anonymous said…
March 14th is Save a Spider day!

Bikram said…
Loved the picture ...

KParthasarathi said…
Holi falls this month the most celebrated festival in North with its riot of colors
@ Vatinam+
Wish you a good day and full of joy...
Thanks all for your inputs and for the inspiration that keeps me going..

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