10 Essential Healthy Eating Habits for a Better Lifestyle

I have always wanted to write this post about healthy and clean eating. Let's discover 10 crucial healthy eating habits to improve your well-being. Learn how simple changes in your diet can lead to a healthier, happier life.

Why Healthy Eating Matters?

"Balanced Diet for Optimal Health"

"Portion Control and Mindful Eating"

"The Power of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables"

"Lean Proteins and Nutrient-Rich Foods"

"Hydration for Your Body and Mind"

"Avoiding Processed and Sugary Foods"

"Meal Planning for Success"

"The Importance of Regular Eating Times"

"Listen to Your Body's Hunger Cues"

"Sustainable Changes for Long-Term Health"

Start Your Journey to a Healthier You.

Remember, it's not about perfection but progress. Your journey to a healthier you is a continuous process. Embrace the changes you make, and don't be too hard on yourself if you face setbacks. Every step you take brings you closer to a healthier, happier you. So, start today, and may your journey be filled with vitality, positivity, and well-being

City and me on a Gloomy day

Walking past the busy roads in the city, it was a somber sight

It was gloomy and the scene was gray

There was a heavy mist descend, blocking the light

The rain drops cry between the mist and then play.

Umbrellas bloom like the spring flowers,

Pedestrians hurry searching a shelter 

The pavement shines as result of the shower

Isn't really great to hear traffic tunes and bonkers

In the gloom, a certain beauty lies.

A peaceful stillness, a moment to reflect

The buildings stand, witnessing all this

In the rain, the city and me connect. 


Rain or shine ~ Poem

  In rain or shine, through every test, A bird of courage, it does its best. With feathers wet or under sun's shine, It never falters, a...